Breeding Myths

You can feel the cervix by digital palpation through the
The cervix is located several cm from the pelvic brim depending on the size of the bitch. What most people interpret as the cervix is really the hymen – the vestibulo-vaginal junction.
Always breed on the 9th to the 12th day of
vaginal bleeding.
Timing is based on identifying the LH surge, which triggers the ovulation cascade. This can be done by measuring LH and/or progesterone. Vaginal cytology and vaginoscopy also help confirm the 5-6 days of optimal breeding.
Hypothyroidism is greatest cause for
Vaginal cultures pre breeding and treating with
antibiotics for bacteria recovered.
There is a normal bacterial flora in both the vagina and the uterus depending on the stage of cycle. Unless there is a single strain of bacteria in high numbers and the sample was collected with a guarded swab from the anterior vagina, bacterial cultures of the vagina are not helpful.
Bitch will whelp 63 days after first breeding.
The window of time a bitch will accept a stud for breeding varies widely from just a few days to several weeks. Bitches will whelp 65 days +/- 1 day from LH surge. Using ultrasound and measuring several parameters is another way to estimate gestational age and health of the pregnancy.
Brucella is only transmitted by breeding.
Brucella canis is spread through urine, semen, vaginal secretions and amniotic/uterine secretions postpartum. Contact with any of these infectious fluids through nasal, oral or sexual contact can transmit the bacteria.
A pregnant bitch’s coat will stick out from her side when pregnant.
Pregnancy confirmation in the bitch is done via ultrasound 1 month after last breeding or by radiographs 6 weeks after last breeding. The hormone, relaxin, can be used to determine the presence of placental tissue, but will not determine the size or viability of the pregnancy.